Four months ago I applied for a job that would provide me with the freedom to grow our small business into a full time gig and I GOT IT. It is bittersweet to say that I started my journey in that new position this past Monday. This decision did not come easily because it required me to resign from a career that I worked towards for 14 years. 14 years of hard work, coworkers who became family, grateful memories, humbling experiences, an amazing team of employees, a plethora of knowledge, and a support system that pushed me to live outside of my comfort zone. I am so happy to have been blessed with every experience and with every person who crossed my path along the way, especially my boss, Cindie Roussel. She guided me and taught me so much over the years. I grew into the woman that I am today because of her and so many others at CHAND, LLC.
The truth is that ever since I found flower farming I found my dream job. Now I have the opportunity to move in the direction of growing more flowers. Y’all, level with me for a bit. In my 34 years on this planet I have realized that life is not about climbing corporate ladders and stockpiling tons of money. Don’t get me wrong, money and retirement is necessary, and very much still in the plan, but can you imagine what life would look like if we could all do what we dreamt of and still make a honest living? (TerriLynn may be the exception because her dream job is retirement but you catch my drift.) We spend most of our waking moments AT WORK. I think we should all have the opportunity to do what we love 100% of our waking moments. So, guess what? I am going get that dream because no one else is going to get it for me. This career change marks the next big stepping stone towards my dream life. CARPE FREAKING DIEM BABY!
Oh, and we are EXPANDING THE FARM!!!! Yep, we sure as heck are. That means MORE FLOWERS for everyone to enjoy… more flowers for you, for local florists, for literally everyone. I have a dream of getting our farm grown flowers into the hands of people who want them, regardless of their budget. Guess what, there’s more. Flowers aren’t the only things that we will be offering in this expansion. We are also going to try our hand at growing pumpkins (winter squash) in time for Fall 2023! We have so many exciting things on the way and I can’t wait to share them with you. More to come on that…
Today, let’s all take a step towards the life of our dreams. Perhaps it’ll be a little less scary if we all took that step together.